Home/How to Become a Prince Hall Mason

Why Become a Mason?

Becoming a Freemason can be one of the most amazing and significant events of your life. From the moment you become a Masonic Brother, you will feel immediate acceptance and Brotherly love.

Where Do You Begin?

It has been our custom to never solicit membership for our Masonic Lodges. Our Masonic Families are built on a belief that dedication to service comes from the heart. A person who is seeking membership (a candidate) must ask to join our Fraternity. Freemasonry will then take these men — already good men in our community — and help make them better men.

Each man brings something different into the Fraternity as different as the types of men who become Masons. However, each shares a core of common beliefs & dreams; each brother believes that, even in a small way, by every one of his actions he helps make his world, his community & himself better.

What Are The Requirements?

To join a Masonic Lodge in New York , you must have the following qualifications:

  • You must be a man (although women & younger people can join related groups).
  • You must At least 18 years old.
  • Possess a belief in a supreme being, in whatever form or name.
  • Be a resident of New York State.
  • Be well recommended and of good moral character.

Explanation of Requirements?

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The most commonly questioned of these qualifications is why women cannot join Freemasonry. While to some, this rule seems chauvinistic and archaic, we prefer to see it as an equitable and respectful recognition of the benefits of gender-specific institutions. It is of important note to recognize the masonic concordant body of the Order of the Eastern Star, which is in fact how women are included in the larger masonic community.

It is also important to understand that as part of joining Freemasonry, you’re becoming part of a family to whom you promise friendship and support – and who promise friendship and support to you.

The Masonic phraseology is that a petitioner must be “of lawful age” and “well recommended.” This age requirement changes from grand jurisdiction to grand jurisdiction, however, Trinity Lodge #51 is situated in the State of New York where the current age for initiation is 18 years old.

The only religious requirement of Freemasonry is that anyone petitioning the degrees of Masonry not be an “Atheist.” This is not to limit anyone’s freedom of religion but rather to ensure that its members believe that there is a greater power than themselves. Any person joining Freemasonry MUST believe that they are serving a higher calling and that their actions have consequences that carry beyond the grave. This predicates action that is accountable and necessitates the effort for improvement of oneself, others, and the world.

Before we go any further, it should be known that Freemasonry is not a religion, even though it includes religious principles specifically from the Judeo-Christian traditions. Even though the Bible is one of the centerpieces of the Lodge and quotes from the New Testament are recited in Lodge – it is not necessary that a Freemason be a Protestant. In fact, it’s quite common that Freemasons are Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, and Buddhist. All traditions are equally accepted and highly respected as validly fulfilling the required belief in a supreme being.

When joining Freemasonry, one ought to join a Lodge that is within an easy driving distance of their home. As such, that lodge will be part of a Grand Jurisdiction, which will require residency in their State, Province, Country, or Commonwealth. Trinity Lodge 51 is located in Queens, New York.

Rather than constructing stone buildings we are building towers of men, neighborhoods and countries – with the goal to build them stronger to better support the prosperity of future generations. Because of this, being well recommended and of good character is the most important qualification of becoming a Freemason. We as Masons truly believe that joining Freemasonry makes good men better. Many men are surprised that no one ever “asked” them to become a Mason. It must be noted that you will NEVER be asked. This process is only begun by seeking it out for yourself. Men interested in learning about our Great Fraternity or joining a lodge MUST initiate the inquiry. Upon the completion of the third degree, you’ll become a Master Mason and be eligible for all that Freemasonry has to offer you, which includes:

  • Worldwide Brotherhood
  • Fellowship
  • Male bonding
  • Meaningful community service
  • Camaraderie with other moral men
  • And so much more………

Source of information: http://www.roundhilllodge.com/become-endicott-mason, https://princehallny.org