The mission of Prince Hall Trinity Lodge 51, located in Queens New York is to continue the legacy of
through fraternal brotherhood to aid and assist our widows, orphans, and distressed brothers, and to contribute to the community through service, scholarship, charity, and training.
If you have questions about becoming a Princess Hall Freemason complete the contact form. One of our Masonic Brothers will contact you quickly by email.
The mission of Prince Hall Trinity Lodge 51, located in Queens New York is to continue the legacy of
through fraternal brotherhood, to aid and assist our widows, orphans, and distressed brothers, and to contribute to the community through service, scholarship, charity, and training.
If you have questions about becoming a Princess Hall Freemason complete the contact form. One of our Masonic Brothers will contact you quickly by email.
Who is Prince Hall?
The Prince Hall Masons are the oldest and largest group of Masons of African origin in the world. Today there are forty Grand Lodges of Prince Hall Freemasonry in the United States, Canada, the Bahamas, and Liberia. These Grand Lodges preside over more than 5,000 lodges. All of them claim descent from the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts which is traced back to the African Lodge No. 459.
On March 2, 1784, Hall was approved to establish the first lodge of African American Masons in North America known as African Lodge No. 459. Three year later African Lodge No. 459 became African Lodge No. 1 with Prince Hall as its leader (First Black masonic Lodge members shown to the right). The Masons were independent of the United Grand Lodge of England.
In 1791, the Prince Hall Grand Lodge was founded to govern the three then existing black Masonic lodges with Prince Hall as its first Grand Master. Black Freemasonry evolved from the establishment of this Grand Lodge.

Worshipful Master Bernard Greogory Jean
Trinity Lodge# 51
Welcome to Trinity Lodge 51 of Queens New York website. It is our hope that our new website will provide valuable resources for those who are interested in freemasonry, those who are interested in seeking additional light in masonry, and those who wish to stay informed of current and upcoming Lodge events. Prince Hall masonry has a rich history in New York, and it is our intention to further establish that foundation while building for the future. Prince Hall Freemasonry and its concordant and appendant bodies are alive and well in our great state!